Danger, Comparison Ahead

Comparing is human nature. We do it daily as it applies to many aspects of our lives. I compare menu items for lunch, fruit at the grocery store, the health of flowers at Home Depot, or the two socks that don’t match, but my teen wears them anyway. What’s up with that trend? Caprison isContinue reading “Danger, Comparison Ahead”


Its hands tightly gripped my neck. There was no place to go. I saw no way out. The room was dark except for a lightbulb blinking on the far side. I could not tell if I was above or below ground. All I knew was fear—fear of how this would end, fear of what IContinue reading “Control”

Live A Life

Over the past weeks, the Holy Spirit has repeatedly led our church to the idea of cycles. Which, oddly enough, is in and of itself a cycle. There may be cycles of sin, desperation, anger, frustration, or addiction. Potential cycles are as numerous as the stars in the heavens. King Saul’s life was marked byContinue reading “Live A Life”

Live the Life

Do you ever wake up in the morning with the urge to hide? It may be a cold, gloomy winter day, and you just aren’t feeling it. Or it may be a bright sunny day with birds chirping and a warm late spring breeze, and you just aren’t feeling it. We all go through momentsContinue reading “Live the Life”