Join Me For The Journey

I’m a planner. Those who know me are currently chuckling or rolling their eyes at me. I can feel it through the internet. For the past 11 years, I have made it my practice to lay out as much as a year of sermons in advance. Sometimes it is not that much. It depends onContinue reading “Join Me For The Journey”

I’m Back, Baby!

In the words of Frank Costanza, “I’m Back, Baby.” It has been a long time since I have had the opportunity to blog on an ongoing basis. My PhD journey will hopefully close on Jan 11, 2024. My goal next year is to write a weekly blog/devotion based on my sermon series, Lessons from theContinue reading “I’m Back, Baby!”

“Is Anyone Worthy?”

Last night, Sunday, February 12, my wife, oldest son, a group from our church, and I traveled to the campus of Asbury College. We drove 70 min from our home to participate in the amazing move of the Spirit that broke out there during a regular chapel service this past Wednesday. No one seemed toContinue reading ““Is Anyone Worthy?””

Thank You, AG

I have not had the opportunity to write for many weeks. The last few months have been a whirlwind of travel and holidays. I’m also working on a Ph.D. which significantly limits my writing time outside of assignments and dissertation preparation. Today I want to write about my love for our fellowship. Fellowship is aContinue reading “Thank You, AG”

The Star

What a joy it is to celebrate the birth of our Savior. His birth was like none other in history. This divine birth was marked by many miracles prophesied of old. One of the most intriguing and questioned miracles is the Star of Bethlehem. It is one of my favorite things to study, and IContinue reading “The Star”

The Greatets Day in All the Year

My favorite version of the Christmas Carol, excluding the Muppets, starred Albert Finny in the 1970 musical version titled Scrooge. In this beautiful and energetic rendition, Mr. and Mrs. Fezzywig sing the song “December the 25th”. This song declares it to be the greatest day in all the year…sung in your best British accent. IContinue reading “The Greatets Day in All the Year”

Who Were the Wise Men?

I love Christmas and have made it a topic of study for many years. As a result, I have some opinions about common questions. Over the next few weeks, I will do just that, give my opinion. I say that because none of us can definitively prove things where the Scripture is silent. As ourContinue reading “Who Were the Wise Men?”

The Weird and Spooky

Because of the season of life I currently find myself in, I have not blogged as often as I would like. It has given me time to think and process these very detailed thoughts. Indeed, in the length of this blog, I will only be able to scratch the surface on this topic. As weContinue reading “The Weird and Spooky”

Three Truths of the Kingdom

What has caught your attention most over the past year? We have lived through a tumultuous election cycle, a worldwide pandemic, earthquakes, a crisis in Afghanistan, wars, and rumors of wars. You see where I am going. Amid these crises, many believers have their focus in the wrong place. I understand the need to defendContinue reading “Three Truths of the Kingdom”

Who Are You Waiting For?

I was trolling Facebook the other night. Don’t judge me. You do it too. While on there, I saw a meme that dealt with waiting. It really made me think. Waiting is a part of the Christian faith. We can point to many characters in Scripture that waited. Abraham and Sarah waited for the promisedContinue reading “Who Are You Waiting For?”